Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Zombies aren’t really your best friends

The days drag on. Every single minuet in the barn seemed to morph into five. John had been in hiding for months now ever since the zombies started eating everyone. He was a scrawny 6 foot 2 senior at Deplanes High school, John had vivid blue eyes, messy jet black hair, and he always walked with a graceful stride, probably due to his abnormally large legs. As the days in the barn started to become a blur, John looked back and reminisced on how things were so much different when the zombie plague hadn’t whipped out the rest of the human population. He though about his girlfriend, and if she might still be alive, but then he though there could be no way. John always wondered if he was alone. He had never seen another human since he had survived the attacks. John was lonely, each day seem to drag him deeper into this dark abysses that started to consume him. The only thing keeping him alive was his hope that there might be other people surviving much like him.
Before taking refuge in the barn, John had accumulated approximately five months worth of food and other supplies. As the 5th month of being in the barn came around, the cans of food became more minuscule by the meal. John knew soon enough he would have to go back out into the miserable world of death he tried so very hard to hide from each day.
Finally the day had come, John was down to his last three cans of food. He prepared his numerous weapons he had collected and loaded up the pickup truck he had found a few months prior to taking refuge in the barn. John hopped in the truck and started driving to what looked like the remainder of a city in the distance. He drove with a spaz-12 shot gun hanging out the window, shooting any zombies that he might encounter wandering the roads. As he neared the city he ditched his truck and pulled out the big guns. He loaded an rpk machine gun and a barret 50 cal sniper, only to continue the rest of his journey on foot. John enjoyed sniping the occasional zombie, it felt good to him. He got to take out all his anger that was built up inside over the past few months as he watched the world be consumed in death and plague, on all the zombies around him. He enjoyed it, but he would still rather be in hiding away from the monstrous beasts that took everything from him. His journey on foot begun to come to an end as the supermarket and crafty beaver appeared a few blocks away. As he was approaching the supermarket he saw a group of at least twenty zombies come running after a girl that appeared to still be human. John switched to his machine gun and gunned down all the zombies chasing the girl. After, the girl passed out her body lying lifeless on the floor. John, being a strong guy, carried the girl on his shoulder and proceeded to continue his search for food and supplies.
She didn’t wake up till they were almost out of the city. When she did finally wake, she didn’t say a word. John was too startled himself that there were still other humans alive. Better yet this cute girl that looked to be around the same age as him. The car ride back to the barn was long and awkward, neither of them willing to speak. The silence was occasionally interrupted by a loud shotgun blast every time John saw a zombie.
As John was unloading the truck and carrying his findings into the barn the girl turned to him and said, “Hi I’m Jane”. John was so startled it took him a few seconds to introduce himself. He was stumbling over his own words. By the time all of the new foods and supplies were in the barn, the two had almost instantaneously become good friends. They were people that just connected. John had never been happier in his life. He was filled with this new liveliness and felt as if he had been pulled out of the pit of depression he struggled to climb out of each and every day. Jane and John soon fell in love and they both found a new happiness and mental will to survive. They spent each day happily socializing and keeping the barn as zombie-proof as possible.
John awoke in the middle of the night lying on the road. He had no idea where he was in relation to the barn, but he figured he must have slept walked that night. He decided he couldn’t have gone far from the barn, so he yelled out Jane’s name a few times. A few minuets later he heard a screaming in the distance that sounded like Jane’s. He franticly ran towards the directions of the screams, his heart beating so fast. The barn appeared in the distance; John could see the massive barn doors open and light pouring out. He kept running. The light had attracted a fairly large group of what seemed to be 100 zombies and growing in size. He kept running as he watched them poor in through the massive barn doors. He heard shots being fired and more screams and then the shots stopped. There was an eeriness of death in the air. John fell to his knees, his eyes crying a river of tears. He knew she was dead, and it was all his fault. John had lost his love, hope, and sense to live, all in a matter of a few carless seconds. John ran to the truck crying and screaming. He was so sad and in pain, he didn’t know what to do. He barley made it to the truck before zombies started to surround his vehicle. He revved the engine and drove as fast as he could hitting as many damn zombies as he could. John had no direction, he didn’t care where he was going, he just drove.
After what seemed like days of driving the sun finally came up. John had been crying for hours, all his hope and motivation to live were ripped out of his chest when Jane was killed. He couldn’t bare the pain any longer. John stopped the truck and went to sit down in a grass field right next to the road. He took a pistol to his head; the cold metal felt soothing as he pressed it against his skin. John took a deep breath, and a small grin creped across his face as he whispered, “Jane”, he pulled the trigger. 

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